Blue Joy

There’s nothing like it.
I have felt something similar before… this feeling of excitement mixed with anticipation mixed with a relationship love.
It’s similar to that feeling when someone you love comes in the room and all feels well in your soul.
But this….THIS is different. This is how you feel when God draws near.
This is Blue Joy.



No matter how deep the disappointment, let that whisper of hope have a voice.

No matter how long you have felt alone, take another breath and see if you’re not wrong.

No matter how impossible life seems, keep reading the story He pens for you and for the one you love.

His promise.

Another’s path merges onto yours.

And God writes in blue.


Blue Gifts

There is no deeper joy or greater contentment than to be truly thankful for life and love and spiritual peace.

God is the Giver and each are eternal gifts.

If we quiet ourself we can feel each one separately…and then woven together, unbreakable.

Life pulsing within us here and promising MORE for eternity.

Love proved in our reconciled and cherished relationship with God the Father through His son, Jesus, made possible by His personal sacrifice and death on the cross.

Peace, as resurrection power, that rises in strength within our soul overcoming every storm until, one day, we arrive safely HOME…beyond the Blue.




‘Thanks4giving your love, family. I really needed it today.

And oh, my God, Yours is beyond telling!

Thanks4giving your heart, friend….and I mean the deeper secret places you let me trust you with.

And oh, my God, Yours is beyond telling!

Thanks4giving YOUR ear to hear, reader, to truly listen….being sensitive even when I couldn’t say a word.

And oh, my God, Your Words are so entirely healing, like soft music to the aches and pains of body and soul.   

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Red in the WORD, Then Blue for YOU

Bibles are printed in black ink and often have the words of Jesus in red. It can be somewhat intimidating to open up that Book. May I encourage you to do it!  Maybe find the book of John and start reading there.

I promise it will be awesome and if you follow the action that Jesus is speaking about to Nicodemus in John Chapter 3, you will experience a spiritual birth that will change your life.   But…you must TELL someone and let them help you.  : ) You are NEW (like a newborn) and others can share with and care for you.

THEN you will begin to see God’s hand writing in YOUR life story!  And THAT will be in blue!


Put Your Pen Down

I want my blog to always be about God and His beautiful blue handwriting!  I want it to share of real life struggles and how if I, if we will put our pen down He will pick up His and everything will be different.  He has life changing words to pen even now……


7.31.15 blog post
